I don't have much time. I have to keep the gears meshing.

Now shut the fuck up and don't interrupt me, you fat nerd

"Every minor work has a secret author and every secret author is, by definition, a writer of masterpieces." Bolaño

"The individual is no doubt the fictitious atom of an 'ideological' representation of society; but he is also a reality fabricated by this specific technology of power that I have called 'discipline'." Foucault

"I was so fucked up while I was writing it... that now I go back over some of those sequences and I can't figure out what I could have meant." Pynchon (purportedly).

"...there is merely bad luck in not being loved; there is misfortune in not loving. All of us, today, are dying of this misfortune." Camus

"Since it is sure of its ability to control the entire domain of the visible and the audible via the laws governing commercial circulation and democratic communication, Empire no longer censures anything. All art, and all thought, is ruined when we accept this permission to consume, to communicate and to enjoy. We should become the pitiless censors of ourselves." -Alain Badiou

It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that and I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over. -tony soprano

Favorite authors:

Owned TBR:

I hate this stupid world. I refuse to live like this anymore


4_3_23 4_14_23 4_23_23 4_26_23 4_29_23 5_3_23 5_14_23 your stuff all those silly feelings (5/21/23) 6/11/23